A man with strong potency is always sure of himself, achieves success not only in bed, but also in life. With the right approach, you can maintain sexual health into old age, staying active at 60, 70, and even 80 years old.
How to increase potency? There are many methods to increase potency, but not all are equally effective and safe. Once you have failed, you should not dwell on the problem, you need to find exactly those ways to solve it that will make the sexual organ function stably and without malfunctions.
Drug therapy, traditional medicine, special exercises, psychological methods of action, diet and a healthy lifestyle support and increase potency.
Methods and types of potency increase

An erection is the main sign of a man's ability to have sex.
A weak erection or its absence creates significant psychological and emotional discomfort and forms complexes.
The problem of how to increase potency is known to men of all ages, without exception.
Young guys are afraid of the first time, which can lead to failure, lead to awkward situations and setbacks.
Regular sexual activity stabilizes potency, a man learns to skillfully manage his reproductive organ and control his erection. In the period from 25 to 35 years, more attention is not paid to the quantity, but to the quality of intimacy with a woman.
Note!The age limit of 40-45 years is critical; it is at this time that many men lose ground.
Weakening of erection occurs against the background of excessive work, fatigue and stress. Chronic diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system negatively affect potency.
Common causes of erectile dysfunction include overeating, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, and lack of physical activity.
To increase potency, you need to act comprehensively - restore mental and emotional balance, improve your health, improve your well-being and get rid of excess weight. Medicines, physiotherapy and other non-drug methods of influence will help improve potency.

Increasing potency with the help of drugs
Healthy blood vessels are the key to quality male potency. A full, long-lasting erection is achieved thanks to the blood flow to the genital organ.
If a vascular spasm occurs, they become clogged with cholesterol plaques, blood circulates poorly throughout the body, erection worsens or does not occur at all.
Most commercially available medications come in tablet form. There are several groups of drugs aimed at increasing male potency.
How to increase potency in men with the help of drugs:
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors.The action of these drugs is expressed in the relaxation of the walls of blood vessels, which greatly accelerates and enhances the filling of the sexual organ.
The positive effect of the drug usually lasts 4-6 hours. - Nitric oxide donors.Their mechanism of action is based on increasing the production of nitric oxide in the body, which has a favorable effect on the overall tone of blood vessels.
The substance relaxes smooth muscles, resulting in increased male potency. The medicine is taken for 12-14 days per 1 tablet. - Androgenic drugs.Testosterone is the hormone responsible for physical strength and endurance in men. If it is not produced enough, the potency decreases and the erection worsens.
Testosterone preparations restore hormonal balance and are widely used to increase potency in men. The doctor prescribes medicine based on the analysis of hormones in the blood, you can take tablets or give injections. - Alpha adrenergic blockers. The substances they contain block adrenergic receptors, which leads to vasodilation and improvement of erection.
The erection enhancer affects the metabolism in the prostate, normalizes vascular tone and increases libido in men. - Synthetic analogues of prostaglandins.Stimulates the muscles of the cavernous bodies, encouraging intensive filling of the genital organs with blood. The drug, which is a synthetic analog of prostaglandin E, is injected directly into the penis to affect venous outflow from it.
- Antispasmodics.They widen the main artery, which can increase potency. They are used simultaneously as injections into the tissue of the genital organ. They are not used for long-term treatment, as they do not have the required effect.
- Antidepressants.This is a large group of drugs with different composition and purpose. A side effect of taking antidepressants is prolongation of erection by 3-4 times. An increase in potency can be achieved by using several drugs at once that accelerate blood microcirculation.
- Biologically active additives.Dietary supplements usually have a combined composition, based on natural raw materials of plant or animal origin.
The effect of natural medicines on the body is also complex - rejuvenation, weight loss, improvement of well-being, healing, increased resistance to stress, acceleration of metabolic processes, cleansing.

Increase potency without drugs
For centuries, people have thought about how to strengthen potency. Noble people and common people sought to increase sexual power. It has long been known that special recipes and diets help restore men's health. To achieve a stable positive effect, they should be used regularly and preventive measures should be taken.
Traditional methods
Since ancient times, people have used medicinal plants to increase potency. There are only a few herbs that are considered to be powerful erectile stimulants in men. It is better to use them separately from each other, without mixing.
How to increase potency in men using herbs and roots:

- Ginseng.Because of its miraculous properties, it is called the root of love. For a glass of boiling water, you will need 2 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials.
The infusion is simmered over low heat for an hour, then cooled, strained and honey and cinnamon are added.
Drink half a glass of the beverage 2 times a day after meals in the morning and in the evening. - Thyme (thyme).The plant is used to treat erectile dysfunction and is used for preventive purposes.
For sexual weakness, it is useful to drink tea with thyme. You need 1 tablespoon of dry chopped herbs per cup. The drink is brewed for a few minutes, and you can drink a maximum of 5 cups of tea with thyme per day. - Ivan tea.The plant contains a whole complex of biologically active substances - macro and microelements, essential oils, antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, flavonoids. It stimulates the production of testosterone, which means an increase in sexual desire.
Pour boiling water over a pinch of dry marigold leaves, leave for a while, drink as tea twice a day. - Chinese lemon grass.Schisandra fruits and seeds have a general strengthening, rejuvenating and tonic effect on the human body. The easiest way is to take 5-7 berries or seeds a day.
You can pour boiling water over the dried berries and drink the infusion just before making love. - St. John's wort.The medicinal plant goes well with other crops and is often used in collections. For a stable erection, St. John's wort infusion should be taken for no longer than 3 weeks, otherwise the opposite effect may occur.

Potency and nutrition
There are special products called aphrodisiacs that stimulate potency in both sexes. There is even a special cooking section dedicated to dishes that have an erotic effect on couples in love.
Each country is known for its products, which, according to the population, are a symbol of love and passion. In Africa it is snake meat, in the East it is rhinoceros horn, in Europe it is mushrooms, in the North it is berries.

There are products that are better known to people and have a stimulating effect. These are herbs, spices, seafood, fruits, onions, garlic, honey, cheeses.
Scientists have proven that sexual activity will be normal if the body has enough vitamins A, E and group B.
They are responsible for the reproductive instinct and contribute to a better transmission of nerve impulses.
Even in ancient times, they knew that a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, seasoned with honey, increases erection. To prepare the stimulating composition, you will need 200 grams of raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs, 12 pieces of walnut kernels, peanuts and almonds.
All ingredients are finely chopped and mixed with 3 spoons of honey. The mixture of nuts is stored in the refrigerator and consumed 1-2 teaspoons per day.

Potency naturally decreases as a man ages. In fact, impotence can be prevented if you maintain good health and lead a healthy lifestyle.
In recent years, the problem of erectile dysfunction has become much younger, young people aged 30 to 35 are thinking about it.
Any doctor will confirm that it is due to lack of physical activity and sports, bad habits, poor diet, lack of vitamins, overload and constant stress.
Serious health problems - diabetes, sclerosis, injuries - lead to complete impotence.
Most men are concerned about a weak erection, which can be reversed by adjusting lifestyle and correcting habits.
How and with what to increase potency:
- Movement.A sedentary lifestyle is the first enemy of modern society. Lack of physical activity leads to stagnation, which has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the male genital organs.
In order for the blood to circulate normally in the body, constant moderate physical activity is important - morning jogging, exercises, evening walks, visits to the gym. - Health.The consequences of smoking and alcohol abuse can be erectile dysfunction, the most terrifying diagnosis for any man. Nicotine promotes the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, in some cases it is necessary to seek surgical help.
- Nutrition.Proteins, amino acids and trace elements are necessary for the complete production of sperm. The ideal basis of nutrition for a sexually active man would be meat, herbs and vegetables.
Occasionally, fruits, cereals and legumes should be included in the diet. But it is better to exclude everything sweet, fatty, fried, salty and smoked from the menu. - Daily mode.By competently alternating work and rest, you can achieve a significant improvement in well-being and a stronger erection. It happens that after a good rest a person regains strength and desire.

Special exercises
Exercises to improve erection involve intimate muscles. For men, the most important of these is the PC muscle, which stretches from the pubic bone to the tailbone. It is also called the muscle of potency.

It is responsible for the proper functioning of the genitourinary system, bowel movements and erection control.
Training the muscles of the intimate area is the prevention of many diseases.
In the stronger half of humanity, these are prostatitis, urethritis, adenoma, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and others.
The love muscle training system was developed by dr. Arnold Kegel. The therapeutic effect of strengthening the PC muscle is largely explained by the elimination of congestion in the pelvic area.
The result of constant exercise will be the strengthening of erection, heightened orgasmic feelings, prolongation of sexual intercourse, normalization of hormonal levels, restoration of libido.
How to train a muscle - first steps:
- To feel the object of training, you must try to stop the urination process and then resume it again.
- In the future, all the work will be done on the muscle that allowed the person to stop the stream when urinating.
- If you could not stop the process, it means that the muscle is currently weak and limp.

Kegel exercises are completely invisible and can be performed anytime and anywhere. It's convenient, safe, efficient!
What you need to do to tone your intimate muscles:
- Tension and relaxation.You can start training with the simplest thing: alternating tension with relaxation for 3-5 seconds. During the day, the exercise should be done 10-20 times. Over time, their number will increase to 50.
- Isolated voltage.To achieve training success, you should learn to tighten the area of interest in isolation from other organs and muscles. You should start with a few repetitions, gradually increasing the load.
- Extending the tension phase.The PC muscle tension time increases to 10 seconds, the relaxation period remains 2-3 seconds. The total number of repetitions per day should reach 80-100 times.
- In the future, you just need to keep your love muscle in good shape by doing daily workouts.

Increasing potency with the help of physiotherapeutic methods
Physiotherapy is aimed at strengthening blood vessels and restoring normal blood circulation in the lower part of the body. The course of physiotherapeutic measures will help to eliminate problems related to erection and ejaculation.
Important!Procedures are prescribed for maintaining and prolonging the results of drug treatment.

What physical therapy methods can be used to restore a healthy erection:
- electrotherapy;
- magnetic therapy;
- laser therapy;
- ozonotherapy;
- pneumomassage.
Psychogenic method of influence
All medicines affect the patient only from the physiological side, i. e. when a man wants to have sexual intercourse, but is physically unable to.
How to increase potency if there is no sexual desire? In this case, it is necessary to use psychological methods of influence. Psychogenic methods of influence are chosen individually, based on existing deviations.
A psychotherapist deals with this issue. Treatment is usually given to married couples and sexual partners.
Let's summarize
At the first symptoms of disorders in the intimate sphere, first of all you need to find out the real cause of the condition. In the initial phase, you can use independent methods of treatment without drugs - herbs, exercises, physical therapy, changes in diet and lifestyle.
If the deterioration of erection is associated with certain diseases, then you cannot do without medicines and preventive measures.